About Us

Wallpaper, Digital Artwork and Canvas Art

The UK's leading source for Digitally printed wallcoverings,fabrics and many more products at an affordable price.

Select from any of the images online or why not submit one of your own images to have it transferred into a unique masterpiece.

Wallpaper, Digital Artwork and Canvas Art

Using the very latest CAD and printer technology, we are able to bring you products that meet all todays specifications when it comes to lightfast and scubability.

At Concept Coverings we are using CAD applications such as AVA, Photoshop,Illustrator, Quark and many more specialised software packages.

Wallcoverings, Wallart, Fabrics & Murals

We have many printers to choose from but the majority of our work is done on a true solvent based Mimaki printer.

Just imagine that special wedding photograph or your child's first step captured on a timeless artwork that will never fade or wash away.

The best way to get custom artwork to us is by email. We can accept various media sources which can be posted to us and scanned in. Your photo's or paintings will be scanned on a high resolution scanner and transferred onto wallpaper or your desired finish.

Wedding pictures and albums make an excellent present for that special loved one.